Dhangar community in Maharashtra has been agitating for the implementation of Scheduled Tribe status. According to them Dhangar and Dhangad is one and the same and Dhangar community is included in the List of Scheduled Tribes in India#Maharashtra at Sr. no 36 Oraon, Dhangad. The only community present in the state is Dhangar that can be spelt as Dhangad and pronounced as Dhangar. There is no such community called Dhangad present in Maharashtra. The ethnological and anthropological information of Dhangad and Dhangar given in the reports is same which is of Shepherds. That is both the words mean a same single community which is Shepherds of Maharashtra. State of Maharashtra had twice recommended the Government of India to include the Dhangar community in the list of Scheduled Tribe. Even in 1989, the CAG report recommended the inclusion of Dhangar community in the list of Scheduled Tribe.
However, the State of Maharashtra has not implemented the Scheduled Tribe status as according to them Dhangar and Dhangad are two distinct communities of Maharashtra.
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